NOTICE NO. SIEF_W2_01/2024
The Gambia, with its vibrant youth population and commitment to development, is poised for a promising future, yet faces several challenges. In the realm of basic education, the focus is on improving learning outcomes, particularly in the early grades, to ensure every child acquires necessary foundational skills. The Government of The Gambia recognized and prioritized the challenge of having a higher quality and relevance in youth, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to meet labour market demands. For the large population living in poverty, the goal is to provide a second chance through access to social protection measures, skills training, and income-generating opportunities. These challenges, while significant, are being addressed with determination and a vision for a resilient, inclusive, skilled and equitable Gambia.
To address these challenges, The Gambia Resilience, Inclusion, Skills, and Equity Project (The Gambia RISE Project – P197233) is a multi-sectoral, five-year initiative of The Government of The Gambia, funded by the World Bank. The project aims to increase the foundational skills of students in early grades (Component 1), provide job-relevant training to youth (Component 2), and boost income-generating opportunities, including for the poor and vulnerable (Component 3), in The Gambia. The Gambia’s National Development Plan (2023-2027) prioritizes Human Capital Development (Pillar IV) and Empowerment, Social Inclusion and Leaving No One Behind (Pillar VI). The RISE project is aligned with the Government’s Education Sector Strategic Plan 2016-2030 and The Gambia National Social Protection Policy 2015-2025.
The project is being implemented by multiple Implementing Entities (IEs): the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE), the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST), and the National Nutrition Agency/National Social Protection Secretariat (NaNA/NSPS). Each of these IEs will lead technical activities within their respective domains. The RISE Project is coordinated and managed by a Central Project Coordination Unit (CPCU) within the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.
As part of Component 2 of the RISE Project, the SIE Fund has launched a funding programme that promotes the development of skills in technical and vocational training in programmes relevant to the needs of The Gambia economy, taking into account the country's strategic priorities and helping to adopt a demand-driven approach, involving a stronger partnership with the productive sector.
The purpose of this notice is to lay down the basis for the process of submitting applications and selecting proposals for the funding of projects linked to vocational training in accordance with the procedures in force in the SIE Fund Manual. This window will provide training grants, offering competitive funding for TVET institutions to enrol youths and secondary school graduates in quality training programs in The Gambia.
Institutions are expected to align their proposed training programs with level 4 (TVET Certificate), level 5 (TVET Diploma / TVET National Diploma), and level 6 (TVET Higher National Diploma / TVET Higher National Diploma) of the Gambia National Qualifications Framework (GNQF). The identified programmes as part of the submission are expected to:
*Note: Achievement of the targets in the indicators highlighted are binding for receiving the last tranche of funding as per the payment plan for Window 2.
The following institutions are eligible to participate in the competition as main beneficiaries:
Beneficiaries (training providers) must comply with the following requirements:
The eligibility analysis will be carried out in the process of review the applications and in releasing the disbursements.
The proposal submitted must cover all the pre-requisites set out in this section, and failure to fulfil any of the proposal requirements will render the submission ineligible for evaluation. A beneficiary institution can submit only one proposal which may contain more than one programme as per this call for proposals. If more than one proposal is submitted by the same institution, only the most responsive one will be considered.
Proposals that involve sub-contracting to third-party training providers for the execution of training actions will be considered ineligible.
The proposal must be structured in accordance with the Proposal Model provided annexed to this call for proposal document. The details of the proposals must include the following information:
Proposals submitted outside the requested proposal structure requirement will be disqualified.
The proposal must present one or more specific demands, identified with the productive sectors and aligned with the national priority areas (Agriculture, Engineering, Tourism, Business, and Creative and Performing Arts). The proposal should align with The Gambia’s strategic development goals, as per the new Recovery-Focused National Development Plan (RF-NDP), as well as other key national policies aimed at addressing the country’s critical employment needs. This alignment ensures that the funded training programs contribute meaningfully to national and local economic and social objectives of the nation.
Proposals are also encouraged for programs developed or expanded at accredited TVET institutions, that include content on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Programs refer to certificates and diplomas that include climate-related courses or topics, including, for example, re-greening degraded landscapes, reducing energy transmission and distribution loss, solar energy, enhanced battery storage systems, and generation of biogas from waste management, among others.
There must be a balance between the value of the investment, the number of training programmes proposed and the number of intended beneficiaries.
4.2.1 Alignment to Industry
In addition to the alignment with the RF-NDP, it is important that the proposals indicate how the training is linked to the respective sector industries. Specifically, it should indicate how:
Long-term programs, including diploma and other credentials requiring at least one year of study, are also encouraged.
Factoring in the proposal requirements identified in 4.1, all proposals must be presented as per the below format:
In the context of this window opening, priority groups are:
The above conditions must be proven by the start date of the training programme, entering the data of the selected trainees on the SIE Fund application platform.
The selection of proposals and disbursements will depend on the availability of resources from the SIE Fund, respecting the limit of the amount approved for each proposal and the ranking order defined in the Merit of Evaluation. For more details, please see the SIE Fund Manual. Un-successful proposal(s), feedback will be shared to the affected institution(s) by the SIE Secretariat for an improvement and possibly re-submission in a subsequent round
The deadlines for submission proposals is on the 8th of November 2024 at 12.00PM and should be sent electronically.
The proposal must be sent electronically via email in one PDF document, and hard copy to be delivered to the SIE Fund Secretariat at MoHERST. Please use this email address also to submit questions about the proposal.
Proposals submitted after the date and time indicated in the Call for Proposals will not be accepted, regardless of the justifications that may be put forward, and by any means other than those mentioned in the previous point.
Applications that fulfil all the requirements will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee evaluates the eligible proposal with respect to Strategic alignment, technical and pedagogical quality of the training, employability potential, and the inclusion of priority groups.
The criteria for evaluating proposals will be based on the following evaluation:
Proposals that do not comply with any of the terms of this competition will be disregarded. By applying to this call, the institutions commit themselves to the veracity of the information declared.
Institutions competing in the call for proposal are subject to the control and auditing mechanisms in force at the SIE Fund.
Beneficiaries and those affected by Fund projects have the right to complain openly, transparently and without reprisals. To do so, you can use the following means of communication:
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