The Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation has policy oversight function over Science, Technology, and Innovation and related matters in The Gambia, providing administrative, coordination, and management to governmental and private sectors, civil society, and inter-governmental agencies.
The Directorate supports the institutional capacities in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and related fields through the provision of appropriate infrastruture and equipment and training.
Additionally, the Directorate promotes the utilization and assimilation of ICT by institutions through the innovation and enterpreneuriship hubs as well as introducing entrepreneurship as part of national curriculum.
To build and strengthen national capacity and competencies in STI that will enhance the attainment of economic development and national competitiveness.
To provide direction in the nation‘s quest to achieve the full benefits of STI, the following guiding principles should be adhered to:
It is necessary to ensure that there is full and unabridged national commitment to STI that translates into solid investments by both the public and private sectors and the widespread adoption of technologies for socio-economic development.
It is important to ensure full and maximum utilization of the country‘s scarce resources in strategic priority areas. Efforts must be focused on those sectors where the nation‘s greatest strengths lie and where the opportunities for growth and leadership are highest.
It is necessary to strengthen the nation's capacity and capability to effectively engage STI as a tool for wealth creation and social well-being through education, expansion and upgrading of the STI infrastructure.
Government will encourage institutions and, where feasible, provide support for them to increase the number of academic staff with doctorate degrees to improve the volume and quality of research carried out in the country.
The promotion of smart partnerships and synergies between civil society, research institutions, universities and industries will enhance the success of this policy.
It is necessary to enhance the nation's ability to commercialize national products, processes, services and outputs of research and innovations that meet market demands in a competitive way through the adoption of an aggressive export –oriented strategy.
It is essential to foster a culture that promotes creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in STI through the creation of an environment that rewards market-driven ideas, supports science and innovation and inspires interest in STI indigenous technology careers.
The enhancement of community support, appreciation and active participation in STI development relevant to their daily lives and in accordance with acceptable national cultural norms, ethics and practices is essential.
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